Our Story

It all started when I was five years old in Johannesburg, South Africa.

I remember so clearly getting excited helping my father make wine in our garage. He was passionate about this annual ritual, which would see our garage filled with grapes, buckets, strainers and glass bottles… just enough to make a small barrel of wine to last through to the next year. It was so much fun, stomping on the grapes in a large steel bucket and then carefully transferring the squashed, sweet smelling mixture into the barrel.

Every few days I would secretly sneak down to the garage to watch the fermentation process as the grapes started bubbling. The wine was alive and active and I was spellbound! I couldn’t wait until my father arrived home from work and we could have a small sip to determine when it would be ready drink. Finally, the day arrived. The fermentation was completed and we would carefully pour this special elixir from the barrel into the glass bottles. I will never forget the sense of pride presenting them with my father at the dinner table, watching friends and family enjoy them for the first time.

This passion led me many years later to do my first wine course when I was at university. I was blown away learning about the wonderful world of wine and it was a dream of mine to one day share my passion and start a wine business.

I started My Wine Affair in 2018 just for fun and it has quickly grown into a wine distribution business offering discounted wines direct from some of the world’s best Cellar Doors. Offering a curated wine buying service we also have over 20,000 wine loving followers and most recently have found the demand for fun, affordable wine tastings events.

Which is how The Tasting Guys was born. My dream is to create a space where people can come together, laugh, have fun, enjoy themselves and just forget about the daily stresses of life while at the same time learning a little about the wonderful world of wine. This has now become a reality and one I welcome you to join.

After all, the best wines are the ones we drink with friends.

Cheers to you.


Founder – The Tasting Guys